I found tapping in 2021 after suffering from post natal anxiety after the birth of my second baby.
I took part in an online workshop, and within minutes of joining in I began to feel calmer, I felt my anxiety dissipating. I couldn’t believe how quick it changed my anxiety levels. I then went on to work with a 1-2-1 practitioner and experienced some massive shifts, cleared some traumatic memories out of my system. What followed was a real transformation in my own healing journey, how I viewed my life as mother, a woman, a wife and a friend. I started to prioritise me, my well being and see the world through a different lens.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) helped me to uncover root causes of beliefs I had engrained in my sub conscious, which were holding me back in my now present day to day. Fear had kept me trapped and held me back for a long time. Using EFT each day and working 1-2-1 to do deeper worked, helped my nervous system relax, taught me how to come out of the fight, flight, freeze response and brought me back to who I really am without living in a state of fear and stress each day.
I have two beautiful young boys and know in my bones the juggle of motherhood. I have a wonderful husband and I support him in running an outdoor living and design business.
Managing work load, family life and motherhood is big. If the juggle is something you are struggling with, I can help.
Founder and EFT Practitioner
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